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ISPs (Internet Service Providers)

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Note: Many topics at this site are reduced versions of the text in "The Encyclopedia of Networking and Telecommunications." Search results will not be as extensive as a search of the book's CD-ROM.

ISPs provide connections into the Internet for home users and businesses. There are local, regional, national, and global ISPs. However, the regional and national providers that provide bandwidth, transit, and routing services are more appropriately called NSPs (network service providers). The interconnection scheme is hierarchical in most cases, with local ISPs connecting into regional NSPs that, in turn, connect into national or global NSPs. These connections are discussed under "Internet Architecture and Backbone."

An ISP is usually a local service provider that is in the business of providing customers with Internet access and customer support. In contrast, the NSPs are more interested in network infrastructure and reselling bandwidth. Many ISPs are small offices with very little equipment. The ISP outsources all its equipment needs with an NSP or collocates equipment at a carrier or NSP POP (point of presence).

This topic continues in "The Encyclopedia of Networking and Telecommunications."

The topic "Internet Architecture and Backbone" contains a subsection called "PoPs and Internet Data Centers" that describes and illustrates various service provider facilities. In particular, refer to Figure I-6.

Also see "Internet Connections," which describes the procedures that businesses and service providers follow to establish an Internet presence.

Several related topics discuss specialized service providers such as those that provide applications, management, and storage support. See "ASP (Application Service Provider)," "MSP (Management Service Provider)," and "SSP (Storage Service Provider)."

Copyright (c) 2001 Tom Sheldon and Big Sur Multimedia.
All rights reserved under Pan American and International copyright conventions.