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A Webmaster is the administrator/manager of a Web site. Period. However, Webmasters wear many hats. The best description I have seen of a Webmaster was developed by Candis Harrison, Department of Housing and Urban Development, as a description of a webmaster position. The following is a synopsis. See the full description at

"The agency's webmaster manages the content of the agency's entire internet presence. The webmaster determines the management needs and requirements for the internet system. Specific duties include, but are not limited to, the following" (abbreviated list follows):

  • Planning and management    This includes promoting the Web site within the organization, developing strategic plans, developing policies for Internet presence, incorporating relevant laws and regulation, identifying opportunities, meeting with contacts to develop plans for the site, setting up meetings and training, and reporting on the status of the Web site to management.

  • Web site development    Develop and articulate the overall focus and concept of the "home page" and related pages, including research, layout, editing, proofing, and link management. Also monitor chats and webmaster mail, as well as resolve technical problems.

  • Web site maintenance    Fine-tune site pages based on feedback from users and monthly statistics. Also monitor links and other information for timeliness and accuracy.

  • Marketing/outreach    Develop and implement marketing plan for home page, demonstrate the Web site to management and staff, provide public relations for the Web site, and represent the Web site at meetings and conferences.

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