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G.lite Related Entries Web Links New/Updated Information Note: Many topics at this site are reduced versions of the text in "The Encyclopedia of Networking and Telecommunications." Search results will not be as extensive as a search of the book's CD-ROM. G.lite (sometimes called DSL.lite or ADSL.lite) is a DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology that is meant to help users quickly and cheaply obtain high bandwidth to the home. DSL allows high-bandwidth connections over existing copper telephone lines while retaining the traditional voice telephone circuit on the same line. G.Lite has the lowest data rate of any of the DSL technologies, but it can be installed quickly and without the need for the telephone company to send out a technician. Aware, inc. pioneered the G.lite technology, which enables simultaneous voice traffic and data traffic without requiring installation of a voice-data splitter and without requiring microfilters on every phone or answering machine. G.lite supports data transmission speeds of up to 1.5 Mbits/sec (downstream to the subscriber) and up to 512 Kbits/sec upstream at distances of up to 24,000 feet. Since there is no splitter, the data signal is subjected to interference from the voice traffic. Aware developed special signal processing techniques that compensate for these effects, making "splitterless DSL" possible. In 1997, the Universal ADSL Working Group began promoting splitterless DSL to the ITU, and in 1998, the ITU created a G.lite standard called G.992.2. This new ITU standard is based on Aware's splitterless DSL technology. G.lite uses 550-kHz bandwidth on the copper line as follows:
G.lite allows any phone jack in the home to be used, not just the one jack provisioned by the phone company with a voice-data splitter. The phone company does not need to provision such a line. G.lite is dubbed a "plug-and-play" standard since customers can purchase off-the-shelf G.lite modems and start using them right away. Copyright (c) 2001 Tom Sheldon and Big Sur Multimedia. |