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CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol)

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CMIP is an OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model that defines how to create a common network management system. While both CMIP and the Internet SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) define network management standards, CMIP is more complex. In fact, CMIP is really only used by some telecommunications service providers for network management. In contrast, SNMP is an Internet protocol specifically designed for TCP/IP networks that is commonly used on corporate networks.

The OSI management model defines systems that are managed, and it defines management systems. Managed systems run agents that gather information about processes and communicate with management systems.

A process runs in nodes that collect management information from processes running at each layer of the OSI protocol stack. Changes can also be applied in the layers. Each node has a MIB (management information base), which is a collection of objects that hold node information.

A SMAP (System Management Application Process) provides the interface through which MIBs share information. SMAPs talk to other SMAPs over the network. A SMAE (System Management Application Entity) supports SMAP communication, and SMAEs use CMIP to exchange data between nodes. CMIP forms a road map for designing a network management system, but the actual interface specifications are in CMIS (Common Management Information Service).

CMIP is divided into the following functions:

  • Accounting management    Monitor and charge for network usage.
  • Configuration management    View and manage system resources and management information.
  • Fault management    Detects and corrects faults in the network.
  • Performance management    Monitor and tune network performance.
  • Security    Authenticate users, detect intrusions, and transmit data securely.

CMIS (Common Management Information Service) provides a way to share management information in the CMIP environment.A relatively new protocol, CIM (Common Information Model), is bringing interoperability among management protocols in general. It has many new features that go beyond features in SNMP and CMIP, while providing backward compatibility.

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