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Bellman-Ford Distance-Vector Routing Algorithm

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The Bellman-Ford distance-vector routing algorithm is used by routers on internetworks to exchange routing information about the current status of the network and how to route packets to their destinations. The algorithm basically merges routing information provided by different routers into lookup tables. It is well defined and used on a number of popular networks. It also provides reasonable performance on small- to medium-sized networks, but on larger networks the algorithm is slow at calculating updates to the network topology. In some cases, looping occurs, in which a packet goes through the same node more than once. In general, most DVR (distance-vector routing) algorithms are not suitable for larger networks that have thousands of nodes, or if the network configuration changes often. In the latter case, the routing algorithm must be able to dynamically update the routing tables quickly to accommodate changes. A more efficient routing protocol is OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).

See Distance-Vector Routing for more information.

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